Live Forever with Steven Clausnitzer
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Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 89
Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Guest: Steven Clausnitzer – CEO/Co-Founder of Forever Labs
Key Takeaways:
- Dentistry accelerates the aging process
- Introduction to Steven / Forever Labs
- Using young stem cells
- The best age to harvest stem cells
- The younger the better
- 8 opportunities to grow cells
- Multi-potent
- Using sourced stem cells throughout the rest of your life
- Cryogenically frozen
- Growing more cells outside the body than inside it
- Growing specific to an application
- What’s the difference in cord blood banking?
- Can I use my children’s blood / stems?
- 50% rejection rate hoa match
- Need your own cells
- What type of investment is this?
- Moving from disease treatment society > health maintenance society
- Longevity escape velocity – 12 years – time x money
- $2500 procedure, $250 per year for storage, lifetime plan $7000 upfront
- Differences in dental vs health care, preventative medicine – longevity
- Free giveaway lifetime procedure
- Giving Away 1 FREE Lifetime Procedure:, use code: Boulden
Giveaway for 1 FREE Lifetime Procedure
Dr. Aubrey de Grey “Ending Aging” video

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