Living Your Best Life with Thor Conklin
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Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 73
Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Guest: Thor Conklin, Founder & CEO of Peak Performance Group
Key Takeaways:
- Before you can fix your business, you must decide first where you want to go.
- You have to figure out what’s getting in the way of your success, and what are the lynchpins to solving your problems.
- It’s generally stopping or removing something rather than adding something.
- Often, what we want most in life is what’s most painful for us to get.
- Gratitude is one of the biggest and best ways to improve your fulfillment.
- It’s about getting back to what’s really important to you.
- Meditation and gratitude should be the first things you do in the morning.
- Try writing everything down that you’re stressed about. You’ll already feel less stressed. Put on your calendar a reminder to spend 20 minutes to work on taking an action to move one of those things forward.
- When doing something you hate, fake liking it and it’ll get easier. You can physiologically fool your body.
- People who want to stay pissed, will stay pissed. Just stay away from them.
- Every top performer has a pre-event ritual. They set their body, their intention, and their mind before they walk in.
- Take a deep breath and put a smile on your face. Set yourself before starting.
- 80-90% of communication is non-verbal.
- Focus on your mental fitness.
- Doing something physical helps break bad mental patterns. Get your bad energy out physically.
- Try to make your life as streamlined as possible. Clutter in your life tends to slow you down.
- Schedule time to allow yourself creative thinking time.
- High performers have a default of “no.” Know what your overall mission is and say “no” to anything that doesn’t serve that purpose.
- Figure out what your lane is going to be. Pick that lane and go deep.
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
People confuse happiness with fulfillment. – Thor Conklin
The only way to combat stress is action. – Thor Conklin
Your emotions do not dictate your physiology, your physiology dictates your emotions – Thor Conklin
Anytime you want to change your emotional state, simply change your physical state. – Thor Conklin
Every “yes” is a “no” to something else. – Thor Conklin
Don’t start running until you know where you’re going. – Thor Conklin
You achieve more when you’re happily achieving, then when you’re achieving to be happy. – Dr. Craig Spodak
Figure out what your lane is going to be. Pick that lane and go deep. – Thor Conklin

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