Where’s the Easy Button for Marketing?
Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 40
Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Key Takeaways:
- Marketing today can seem convoluted. You must be more strategic with marketing, rather than tactical.
- Fifteen years ago, you could literally buy your way to the top. People now want credibility and a story.
- You can either pay someone to craft a story for you, or become remarkable enough that you’re worth talking about.
- Find out what the authentic expression of your brand is, and exploit that.
- Read your reviews to see what the public is saying about you. That’s a great hack for finding your why.
- Scared money don’t make none. Fear psychology can really mess with your business.
- Take advantage of technology to create and post easy, not super polished videos and content that will help patients identify with your practice and feel as comfortable as possible making the decision to come see you.
- Video shows your humanity.
- Unfortunately, in our digital day and age it’s not good enough to just do awesome dentistry.
- If you don’t have reviews online, create the narrative of what you want people to say and live that.
- Figure out ways to give your marketing dollars back to your patient.
- The most brilliant marketing strategy is to CARE. That’s the easy button.
Everything is Marketing by Fred Joyal
“Things are simple, they’re just not easy.”
“People don’t get burned out because of what they do, they get burned out because they forget their why.” – Dr. Craig Spodak
“Success is 10% mechanics and 90% psychology.” – Dr. Craig Spodak
“People are rewarded in public for what they practice for years in private.” – Tony Robbins
“I’ve got the most brilliant marketing strategy ever… care.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

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